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The PPP requests the image of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on currency notes.



The resolution was passed during a seminar named ‘Bhutto Reference and History’, which focused on Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

The resolution praised the Supreme Court’s admission that the PPP founder’s trial, which resulted in his execution, was unfair and urged that the federal government confer on him the title of “Quaid-e-Awam” (Leader of the People) and the highest civilian honor, Nishan-e-Pakistan.

Aside from demanding that Bhutto’s image be used on currency notes, the resolution also asked for the construction of a fitting monument in his honor and the designation of his mausoleum as a national shrine.

Furthermore, it demands for the reversal of Bhutto’s unjust death sentence and the creation of a “Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Award” for democracy activists who have given their lives for the cause.

In March, the National Assembly passed a resolution characterizing Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s trial as judicial murder.

The Supreme Court released its reserved opinion on the presidential reference against the ‘controversial’ death sentence imposed on PPP founder, stating that the former prime minister was denied a “fair trial”.

A nine-judge court led by Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa revealed its decision on the long-pending presidential reference to determine if it can reconsider its verdict, which the PPP and jurists perceive as a historic error.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was sentenced to death under former military dictator General (retired) Ziaul Haq’s administration.

The first elected prime minister of the country was charged with the murder of a political competitor, Nawab Mohammed Ahmed Qasuri, and a trial was held.

Bhutto was executed on April 4, 1979, despite requests and appeals for leniency and pity from various heads of state.

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Since January 1, the Army has killed 66 terrorists in operations in Balochistan.




Sixty-six terrorists were killed by the Pakistan Army in various operations against Khawarij in Balochistan between January 1, 2024, and May 31, 23.

Operations against terrorists in Balochistan were conducted by the Pakistan Army in 2024. In August 2021, a new wave of terrorism broke out in Pakistan following the Taliban’s takeover of that country.

Within the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Khawarij Tehreek-e-Taliban of today intensified their attacks. To neutralize the militants, the Pakistani military employed a successful tactic.

The Pakistan Army carried out a number of coordinated and methodical operations this year to eradicate terrorism in Pakistan in accordance with this plan.

When conducting several operations against Khawarij in Balochistan from January 3 to May 31, the Pakistan Army killed 66 terrorists, injured 27, and detained 4 of them while they were still alive.

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Sheikh Rashid calls on the army head to offer amnesty on Eid. May 9 riots




In honor of Eidul Azha, on Thursday, Sheikh Rashid Ahmad, the leader of the Awami Muslim League and a former interior minister, made a plea to ISI Director General Nadeem Anjum and Army Chief Gen. Asim Munir to pardon those detained in relation to the May 9 riots.

Almost 80 to 90 percent of those charged with various offenses [in the May 9 cases] were innocent, Rashid noted while addressing a group of reporters on the grounds of the Islamabad sessions court.

The head of AML also called for the release of PTI’s female leaders, Alia Hamza and Sanam Javed, citing her treatment as “queens of Jhansi” and her worry over how they were being moved from jail to jail.

Rashid bemoaned that criminals in Rawalpindi were even targeting funeral processions, voicing alarm over the worsening security conditions and rising inflation.

In spite of his concerns regarding the release of individuals detained on suspicion of involvement with the events of May 9 after serving a year in jail, Rashid emphasized the value of the army’s honor and dignity to all Pakistanis.

Pointing out that Pakistani investors were fleeing the nation, the former minister issued a dire warning. During his time as a minister under Pervez Musharraf, he inked investment agreements with China, but he regretted that they were now on hold.

A complaint pertaining to vandalism during PTI’s Azadi March was heard earlier by Sheikh Rashid and his attorney Ali Nawaz Awan at Islamabad’s District and Sessions Court.

However, due to Civil Judge Malik Muhammad Imran’s absence, the hearing was pushed back to June 10.

The PTI founder Imran Khan, Sheikh Rashid, and other individuals were the targets of a case filed at the I-9 police station.

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Under the guidance of CM Maryam Nawaz, PDMA reaches significant milestones.




Leading the PDMA, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, the organization has reached a significant milestone in less than a year.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, PDMA DG Irfan Ali Katia announced that two thousand five hundred families impacted by rain-related occurrences received ration bags from six trucks.

Family members of 32 people in Punjab who perished from lightning strikes received financial assistance at the governor’s command. Farmers who had their crops devastated by fire or rain received financial support.

All around the province, practical steps were taken to avert heatwaves. Clear drinking water was supplied to the Cholistan residents using water bowsers.

In addition, he said that flood-related drills were set up in every province district. As advised by Pakistan Army and Rescue, boats, life jackets, tents, and other necessities were given.

In addition, the PDMA DG declared that, per the Punjab CM’s orders, the Forest Department now has firefighting supplies. Additionally, effective steps have been implemented for the preservation of Murree’s woods as well as the safety and security of its residents.

Financial aid was provided for the reconstruction of houses damaged by landslides in Murree.

In order to combat climate change and lessen the problem of smog, Think Tank Green Saver was founded.

Under the guidance of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, PDMA is proactive during times of crisis and accessible to the public.

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