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Pakistan promotes the prohibition of outer-space weaponization to protect global peace.



Pakistan has urged for steps to prevent the weaponization of outer space, claiming that such actions will avoid a serious threat to international peace and security.

Ambassador Munir Akram warned the UN General Assembly on Monday that “threats to security in and from outer space have escalated sharply in recent years.” This is obvious from the placement of weaponry in space, as well as its growing designation as the next frontier in major powers’ military programmes and doctrines.

Last month, the 193-member Assembly debated Russia’s veto in the Security Council, which blocked a draft resolution aimed at preventing a new interplanetary arms race.

Due to Russia’s negative vote, the 15-member Council failed to accept last month’s draft, which received 13 votes in favour with China abstaining. The United States and Japan introduced the draft resolution, which was co-sponsored by more than 60 countries.

In his remarks, Ambassador Akram stated that the US-Japan draft resolution correctly recognised that preventing an Outer Space arms race would avert a serious threat to international peace and security. He emphasised the relevance of the Outer Space Treaty and the Geneva Conference on Disarmament as the sole multilateral disarmament negotiating platform.

Pakistan, he stated, has always held the principled position that resolutions on global disarmament issues should be deliberated and concluded in an inclusive and transparent manner within the appropriate forums — the Conference on Disarmament (CD), the UN Disarmament Commission, and the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, which deals with disarmament and international security issues.

The Pakistani envoy expressed sadness that there has been no progress on a Treaty to Prevent an Arms Race in Outer Space for almost four decades.

“Initially,” he continued, “some disregarded the notion of an interstellar arms competition. Then they said that it was too late to avoid its militarization and advocated for a concentrate on non-weaponisation solutions. They now want to focus on behaviour rather than capabilities, ignoring the inherent consequences of legitimising the weaponization of outer space.

Pakistan, according to Ambassador Akram, has advocated for a comprehensive approach that emphasises both capabilities and behaviour.

“We have repeatedly urged for immediate discussions on a legally binding PAROS instrument (Preventing Arms Race in Outer Space). In addition, we have actively contributed to non-legally enforceable measures such as Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures (TCBMs).

However, he stressed that TCBMs or other non-legally binding norms cannot fill the clear inadequacies in the international legal regime.

The Pakistani envoy expressed regret that a few states continue to block the start of such negotiations in the Committee on Disarmament (CD) on a legally binding instrument that prohibits the placement of weapons in outer space and prohibits the threat or use of force against outer space objects, claiming that they have failed to explain how such negotiations would jeopardise their security interests. “They have also failed to justify why definitional and verification issues cannot be taken up during negotiations – an approach that they advocate for another item in the CD.”

Ambassador Akram hoped that the topic of weaponization of outer space, which had been addressed in the Security Council, would be forwarded to the C.D. for further discussion as part of negotiations on a treaty to prevent an outer space arms race.

Previously, Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia stated why his delegation voted against the US-Japan draft resolution.

He claimed that, despite its “beautiful sounding title,” the document failed to fulfil its stated goal because it was already addressed by existing international accords, and expressed concern that the resolution could have had “far-reaching consequences” for disarmament procedures.

“During the negotiations on this draft, we attempted in vain to get an answer from the authors on why they were trying to use the Security Council to reaffirm already existing international obligations in the area of outer space exploration,” he said.

He referred to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which expressly prohibits the deployment of weapons of mass destruction in space, and urged that debates on the subject be held in specialised forums open to all General Assembly members.

Ambassador Nebenzia criticised the proposal for attempting to impose new constraints through the Security Council that were not previously established in any international agreements, including the 1967 treaty, raising “serious legal concerns” about these new restrictions.

“Imposing such obligations without preliminary, expert, legal, and technical discussions is inadmissible,” he stated.

Japanese Ambassador Kazuyuki Yamazaki, for his part, asked delegates to consider the devastating repercussions of a nuclear weapon detonating in outer space, resulting in the loss of satellites and essential space infrastructure, as well as permanent impacts on people’s lives around the world.

“The draft Security Council resolution on weapons of mass destruction in outer space, co-drafted by the US and Japan, was intended to avoid such a nuclear catastrophe for humankind,” he stated.

He emphasised the draft’s broad support, which includes 13 votes in favour and 65 cosponsors.

“Regrettably, one permanent member decided to silence the critical message we wanted to send to the present and future people of the world: outer space must remain a domain free of weapons of mass destruction,” he mourned.

He stated that stopping nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass devastation in space “must remain our priority”.

“Outer space must never be an arena for a nuclear arms race,” he warned.

According to US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood, the debate over Russia’s veto of the draft resolution provides an important opportunity to improve accountability and transparency among all permanent Council members.

He emphasised that the proposed resolution aimed to confirm all States parties’ commitments under the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, including the prohibition on deploying nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in outer space.

He also urged UN Member States not to build nuclear weapons specifically tailored for deployment in orbit, as this would reduce the chance of a nuclear incident in space while also preserving crucial satellites required for communication, security, and sustainable development.

“It should not be at all controversial or difficult for the Security Council to affirm the clear obligations of parties under the Outer Space Treaty nor should it be difficult to ask that States work together towards our shared interests,” he said.

Ambassador Wood stated that the penholders, the United States and Japan, took a thoughtful, transparent, inclusive, and flexible approach to the resolution, with the wording altering as a result of deliberations.

Regarding Russia’s new proposed draft resolution on the subject, he criticised it as a “diplomatic façade” hiding its “true intentions”.

He stated that Russia presently has multiple conventional anti-satellite weapons in space, citing a 2019 missile test and continuous threats to satellites.

“Russia’s actions cast significant doubt as to whether it will uphold its existing legal obligations under the Outer Space Treaty and raise concern about what this means for international peace and security,” he added.

Speaking on the subject, Chinese Ambassador Fu Cong emphasised that outer space is the “global commons and embodies the shared aspirations of all humanity”.

“Today, the globe is not peaceful. “The risk of outer space weaponisation is increasing, and developing countries’ access to space science and technology is being restricted,” he stated.

He stated that the international community should take initiatives to help all countries.

These include safeguarding outer space’s peaceful character, urgently improving international space governance institutions, and encouraging greater cooperation and dialogue.

“The previous draft resolution on outer space security proposed by the United States and Japan is neither comprehensive nor balanced, and China is unable to support it,” the Chinese envoy said, adding that Russia’s new resolution proposed at the Security Council is more balanced and comprehensive.

“China supports that [Russian] draft resolution and looks forward to its early agreement among Council members to jointly safeguard mutual trust and cooperation among all parties on the issue of outer space,” he added.

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Rainfall throughout the night stops flights in Lahore.




Allama Iqbal International Airport experienced many hours of flight disruption due to the intense rainfall and windstorms that occurred overnight in Lahore, the provincial capital of Punjab.

Aviation sources claim that because of the monsoon weather, the flight operation was unable to operate between 3 and 4 am.

It is possible that the planes will arrive at the airport at 4 am.

Amidst delays in foreign airline flights, three aircraft made landings in Multan and Peshawar.

Riyadh flights arrived in Peshawar Airport, while flights scheduled to land in Lahore in Abu Dhabi and Bahrain ended up landing in Multan Airport.

Seven hours later than scheduled, the Qatar Airways flight from Doha arrived in Lahore.

Because of the bad weather, there are delays in the arrival and departure of numerous international planes.

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Containers were used to seal the Red Zone before JI’s sit-in at D-Chowk.




Authorities in Islamabad have blocked off the Red Zone by erecting containers in front of today’s (Friday) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) demonstration and the Jamaat-i-Islami sit-in at D-Chowk in Islamabad.

Jamaat-i-Islami is scheduled to stage a sit-in at Islamabad’s D-Chowk, and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has declared a nationwide protest against the country’s soaring inflation and recent spike in electricity rates.

Containers have been used to block access to the Red Zone’s main crossroads, D Chowk, Nadra Chowk, and Sarina Chowk.


In the meantime, in response to PTI and JI plans for statewide rallies, the federal and Punjabi governments enforced Section 144 in Islamabad and Punjab. Section 144 will be in force from Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28, per the notification that was released in this regard.

Rallies, sit-ins, protests, and rallies are prohibited from July 26 to July 28, according to a letter from the Home Department. It said that terrorists may find public gatherings to be an easy target and stated that the decision had been made with the threat of terrorism in mind.

In contrast, JI Secretary General Ameerul Azeem claimed in a statement that police had raided the residences of JI officials across the nation.

In an attempt to break up the protest, he said, police had targeted JI leaders and activists. He also alleged that multiple instances of police raids, arrests, and harassment of women had occurred in various towns.


The government was forewarned by Jamaat Emir Hafiz Naeemur Rehman earlier on Thursday that it would face consequences if the party was barred from accessing Islamabad for their scheduled demonstration against inflation and an increase in electricity prices.

He stated in a statement that their belief is in peaceful political protest as a means of securing public rights. “We are not afraid of arrests, and the Jamaat-e-Islami cannot be stopped,” he added.

“The historic sit-in on Friday, July 26, will represent 250 million people of Pakistan, and we will sit peacefully at D-Chowk.”

According to the JI, convoys are in route from all around the nation to participate in the sit-in. He encouraged the administration to offer a location for the protest, highlighting that it is their constitutional and democratic right to speak up for the country.

“Any political party that wishes to participate” was invited, and he welcomed them all.

Prior to the sit-in, police raided the residences of JI leaders and officials in many parts of Punjab and Rawalpindi, making multiple arrests.

Ameerul Azim, the central secretary general of Jamaat-e-Islami, was not able to be arrested during the police raid; instead, Shaukat Mahmood, his driver, was taken into custody.

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Changes to Pakistan’s Test team could be significant for the Bangladesh series.




Major changes to Pakistan’s team are anticipated ahead of the forthcoming Test series against Bangladesh, sources in Lahore have revealed.

As the team gets ready for the series, meetings with the players are planned for next week.

It is predicted that the Test squad would undergo several changes. The team’s lineup is expected to be strengthened by the likely inclusion of Muhammad Huraira. Key players like Faheem Ashraf, Wasim Jr., Saim Ayub, and Nauman Ali, whose contributions are vital to the team’s success, struggle to get a spot on the squad.

Furthermore, according to sources, Imamul Haq or Sahibzada Farhan are anticipated to be added to the team, subject to additional assessment. Furthermore, following a fitness assessment, Amir Jamal and Hasan Ali’s futures will be determined.

The ultimate selection for the Test team will take place following Red Ball head coach Jason Gillespie’s return to Pakistan. The ultimate squad that will play Bangladesh in the forthcoming Test series will be greatly influenced by his assessments and thoughts.

Pakistan is scheduled to visit New Zealand in March and April of 2025, according to the country’s official cricket schedule, which was released earlier this month.

Throughout their visit, the Pakistan cricket team will play three One Day Internationals (ODIs) and five Twenty20 Internationals (T20Is) in an exciting series.

The T20I series, which starts at Hagley Oval in Christchurch on March 16, will serve as the tour’s opening event.

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